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Bangkok Lodging - Top Bangkok Hotels | Find hotels in Bangkok

Start planning your stay in Bangkok by using Hotelsgrids free searching service which will help you find  the best hotel deals in Bangkok to sweeten your stay.  The system compare hotel prices of all major hotel sites from a single page enabling you to Explore the suggested hotels online, read hotel accommodation reviews to select the hotel that best fit your needs and budget. Once you have selected a hotel  use the online booking capabilities to finalized the hotel reservations  process.  Try the list of popular hotels in Bangkok to quick pick a hotel  and/or use the map to explore Bangkok before you get there.  We also have listed some points of interest to  get you started.



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Take a virtual tour in Bangkok

Drag the yellow man icon from the left hand side onto the map. Any street highlighted blue has an available street level view, drop the icon at the point you want to view from and you will switch to the 3D image, the address will appear on the map in a speech bubble form. Use the mouse to pan the main image around. The arrow icons let you move around at street level. The tools on the left hand side allow you to zoom in on the image as well as control the exact angle and direction you wish to view.



Bangkok is the capital city of and largest city in Thailand.

Here is a list of places of interest in Bangkok:

The Grand Palace - The Grand Palace is the city's most famous landmark. Built in 1782 - and for 150 years the home of the Thai King, the Royal court and the administrative seat of government. Within the palace complex are several impressive buildings including Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha). Thai Kings stopped living in the palace around the turn of the twentieth century.

Floating Markets - Boats with tropical fruit and vegetables, fresh, coconut juice and local food cooked from floating kitchens located right on the boat. 

Wat Arun - the Temple of Dawn is a Buddhist temple on the Thonburi west bank of the Chao Phraya River. The full name of the temple is Wat Arun Ratchawararam Ratchawaramahawihan. Named after Aruna, the Indian God of Dawn, the Wat Arun is considered one of the most well known of Thailand's many landmarks.

Wat Pho - the Temple of the Reclining Buddha, or Wat Phra Chetuphon, is located behind the splendid Temple of the Emerald Buddha. It's the largest temple in Bangkok and famed for its huge and majestic reclining Buddha measured 46 meters long and covered in gold leaf. The Buddha's feet are 3 meters long.

Other places are: China town, Crocodile Farm at Samut Prakhan, Chao Phraya River & Waterways, Chatuchak Weekend Market,Khao San Road.